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Pasadena Christian School has a junior high program that is designed to help sixth, seventh and eighth grade students make a smooth transition into the rigorous academic programs of high school and college. One of the most exciting and challenging periods of a young person's life is adolescence. This is a crucial age and, for many, a turning point in their lives. It is a time when parents, the church and the school need to work together to mold ideas and priorities that will influence young lives for the future ahead. PCS has a strong academic curriculum which is complemented by a wide range of electives. The elective selection varies each semester with offerings such as film appreciation, photography, computer programming, architecture, film scoring, drama, Spanish, worship band, cooking and athletic activities.

Students rotate through five core classes (English, Math, Bible, History, and Science), each with a dedicated subject teacher.

There are a number of exciting activities for junior high students, such as the Coffee House Theater production, Orchestra, the 7th grade trip to Monterey,  the annual eighth grade Science Fair, and the 10 day east coast trip for 8th graders. Junior high students are eligible to try out for competitive sports in flag football, baseball, basketball, volleyball, softball, and soccer.   Students continue to enjoy weekly Chapel where they learn Biblical truth and worship as a community.


School Hours

Grades 6-8          8:30 AM to 3:15 PM


All new students must have their health forms and immunization records in the office before school begins. Students entering 7th grade must have their Tdap vaccine before starting school.

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