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The goal of the Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) is to build friendships and create a strong, Christ-centered community.  The events and activities provide many opportunities to earn volunteer hours and a chance to bond with one another. Please click the SignUp Genius button to sign up as a volunteer.

Some favorite PTF activities include:

Prayer Ministry

Over the years, we have had wonderful volunteer parents oversee the PTF Prayer Ministry.  This weekly meeting included worship, fellowship and prayers to cover the campus and students. The Lord reminds us...Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God (Philippians 4:6 NIV)

Teacher Appreciation Luncheons

The Parent Teacher Fellowship hosts a quarterly lunch in the gym for our teachers, administration and staff.  It is a small way to say thank you for all their hard work and dedication.  The teachers and staff look forward to these fun-themed lunches and treats!  And, PTF looks forward to spoiling them!

Fellowship Opportunities

Every year, PTF hosts fellowship activities to build friendships and community.  The first day of school welcomes parents back with a Coffee and Conversation event.  In the fall, everyone gets involved at our annual Fall Festival, and Christmas brings a favorite community breakfast!  Every event is open to all families from preschool to 8th and offers volunteer opportunities as well.


The MVP Program is PCS’ volunteer program.  It provides volunteers to support school activities and promotes parent involvement. Pasadena Christian School relies on its Many Valuable Parents (MVP) to enhance and enrich our children’s educational experience.  Parents volunteers are the backbone of our school. 

Each family is asked to complete the following number of service hours each school year:

Two parent families          20 Hours

Single parent families       10 Hours

Preschool families              10 Hours

The hours are per family and not per child enrolled at PCS. 

Parents, grandparents and other family members may volunteer to serve.

You may serve at either school (TK-8 or preschool), regardless of where your children are enrolled.

Throughout the year there are many opportunities to volunteer and earn service hours:

Work in the classroom (must sign a confidentiality agreement)

Serve as Room Parent (great way to get all your hours completed)

Help grades 1-3 with their poem parties

Plan and serve at class parties (set up, clean up)

Chaperone field trips

Fall Event

Christmas Breakfast/Store

Annual Fun Run

Book Fair

Assist at student performances



Donate food/party supplies or services for school events

Purchase gift cards through the PCS Scrip Program

And much more!

If you have any questions regarding the MVP Program, please contact PTF at