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Drop Off/Arrival

Life is busy, schedules are tight and each day may be slightly different. One advantage of our program allows parents to sign children in any time from 7:00-9:00 a.m. All children need to be in a classroom group by 9:00 a.m. We strongly encourage parents to arrive at least 5 minutes before 9:00 a.m. to read a book or help your child settle into an activity. This will set your child up for a successful day; allowing them a few minutes to say goodbye and transition into the classroom. 

Each parent and each additional authorized person will be assigned their own code to check in your child using the computers in the lobby.  The adult will also sign in your child in their classroom. Your child will only be released to a parent or other authorized persons.

Pick-Up/ Departure

The same flexibility in dropping off your child in the morning, applies to picking them up. You may pick up your child from preschool any time after lunch, approximately 12:00pm-6:00pm. Check with your child's classroom for their specific lunchtime. In the event you arrive after 6:00pm to pick up your child, you will be billed $1.00 per minute that you are late.

Snacks and Nutrition

The PCS Preschool is a nut free facility.  Our program will provide healthy, nutritious morning and afternoon snacks that incorporate healthy choices. We will encourage children to recognize good nutrition through discussion of healthy food and good eating habits. Our snacks will include fruits and vegetables, milk or cheese, whole grain breads or crackers and 100% fruit juices. Parents may purchase "hot lunch" from the food service at Pasadena Christian School. The "hot lunch" will be brought from the full commercial kitchen at the elementary school to the preschool campus. School lunches provide healthy and delicious choices. We will strongly encourage parents who provide sack lunches for their children to respect our nutrition guidelines and NOT pack any sweets, soda pop or gum. 

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