The PCS Business Office coordinates the collection of all fees through the FACTS FAMILY PORTAL. These fees include, but are not limited to, tuition, extended care, athletic uniforms, and incidental charges.
The annual registration fee of $700 for elementary/junior high and $550 for preschool will be charged at the time of enrollment and yearly re-enrollment. Registration fees are non-refundable.
Tuition is charged on an annual basis and is payable in one lump sum or with installment options due on the 1st of each month beginning in June of the school year.
All tuition installments are non-refundable and are not prorated based on days of attendance.
Monthly statements and account activities are available for review and payment through the FACTS FAMILY PORTAL.
All charges shown are due on the 1st of the month following the date of the charge.
All tuition payments are made through FACTS Auto-pay. Accounts can be linked to a credit card (with related fee), checking or savings account. PCS is not able to receive payments at the front office of the school.
A $50 late fee will be assessed on all accounts if not paid in full by the 10th.
A fee of $30 will be charged to your account for returned checks or insufficient funds. More than one returned check or incidence of insufficient funds during the school year may result in the school requesting prepayments for future tuition installments.
For questions regarding the PCS Financial Policy, please contact our Business Office at (626) 773-7905.