Accreditation and Recognitions
Our dedication to quality early education is reflected through our recognitions. To begin, we are fully accredited through the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). Accreditation through ACSI is the indication that our program maintains a sound philosophy, an intentional curriculum, fully qualified and experienced teachers, a sound fiscal plan, and a belief that Christian values are an integral part of our daily lives at home and school.
Our preschool is a recognized Demonstration Site for the Outdoor Classroom Project ( The objective of the Outdoor Classroom project is to “increase the quantity, quality and benefit of outdoor experiences for young children.” Our Outdoor Classroom is a model for other schools and serves as a sanctuary for children to explore all the domains of learning with the added benefit of being outdoors.
We are thrilled to be a Directed Field Experience site for Cal State University’s Child Development Program. Our teachers support the next generation of early educators by providing meaningful internship experiences.